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JR Cape's core values are comprised of the following essential key terms:

At the heart of our business lies our values of trust, sincerity and partnership. In the area of executive search & selection, clients and candidates are both partners in a complex process. Problem solution can only be reached through open communication, application of knowledge, experience and, last-but-not-least mutual understanding.

for us means a total dedication of all our strengths and professionalism in all dealings with our customers. We believe strongly that it is only with diligence and consequence that highest expectations, both of our own and our clients, can be met. To comply with set standards our consultants´ specific know-how and commitment are excessively utilized to accomplish the goal of a project.

is seen as the common basis for any cooperation. Understanding, sensitivity, tolerance and fairness are attributes summing up the respect we extend to our clients and candidates alike. This attitude is not only the foundation for business relations in different cultures and regions, but also our basic comprehension of how to co-work within our own organisation, at JR Cape.

is JR Cape´s approach when setting standards for accomplishment of tasks and reaching our and our clients´ targets. Fundamental theoretical know-how creates the ground for finding solutions; however such solutions duly being subject to practicability. Qualification and professional experience in an international environment - these are assets of JR Cape consultants strongly contributing to the way of how we carry out projects with our clients, to find and implement workable solutions.

Experience and share our corporate philosophy with us, in close cooperation with JR Cape executive search and management consultants.

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